E2M designs and builds high fidelity motion systems, control loading systems, and electric actuation solutions for a wide range of industries and applications including Simulation and Training, Entertainment and Testing.
flight simulation & training
E2M electric 6 DOF motion systems add fidelity and immersion for all qualification levels of civil and military flight simulators for both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
In addition to motion systems, E2M offers complementary sub-systems for vibration (cockpit shakers) and control loading (force feedback systems).
A range of high payload motion systems for Cabin Emergency and Evacuation Trainers (CEET) for narrow body and wide body aircraft complete the product line for flight simulation & training.

ground vehicle simulation
E2M midsize and compact motion systems are used for a wide variety of vehicle simulation applications that are not related to flight simulation.
By adding motion cues to railway vehicle simulators (train, subway, tram, etc), train operators can better assess speed,acceleration and deceleration.
Marine (fast) craft training systems benefit from E2M motion systems by adding critical motion cues to effectively train operators under different weather conditions, sea states and training scenarios.
Motion-based (military) driving simulators are used to train drivers to operate the simulated vehicle and to train critical missions anywhere in the world without leaving the local training facility.
Without the addition of real motion, flying over remote locations, outer space combat missions, or any other movie, real life or fantasy themed experience would just not be very exciting.
E2M motion technology is used to add excitement to high-end rides with the focus on reliability and safety.

E2M electric multi-DOF motion systems provide a universal, general purpose, high performance testing platform, suitable for a wide range of testing applications.
Combined with MTS' experience and software applications in this field, E2M systems are used for (automotive) component testing, turret testing, marine testing, structural testing and in support of Research and Development activities.