Stay up to date with the latest E2M news.

New year, new website!
Long overdue, and happy it's finally live!

E2M provides 4 electric motion systems to Carleton for seismic testing
Researchers at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada will employ all-electric E2M motion platforms to gain needed insight into the hazards of suspended ceiling structures in tall buildings during earthquakes.

First sim of its kind in UAE
Merlin Flight Simulation Technologies selected the eM6-300-1500 for their MP521 engineering flight simulator.

ITW Patent Society
First time for E2M to joint he ITW Patent Society diner.

eM6-300-1500 to study human motion
How an eM6-300-1500 is used to study human motion.

E2M joins ITW
We are happy to announce that we have joined the ITW family as of December 1st 2021!

New Fastcraft Motion System
Ever wondered what it feels like to ride a fast rib boat? This is as close to the real thing as you can get without getting cold and wet.