product overview
E2M systems are used for a wide range of applications. Find the right system for your application.
The product codes for the motion systems are self-explanatory:
eMx (electric motion, x degrees of freedom)
yyy (effective actuator stroke in mm, or ROT for rotary actuators)
zzzz (gross moving load in kg, including upper frame if applicable)

The eM6-1430-14000 is the latest full electric 6 degrees of freedom motion system with a gross moving load of up to 14.000 kg, designed for use in FAA, EASA Level D and ICAO 9625 type VII flight simulation systems for both fixed wing- and rotary wing aircraft.

The eM6-1070-9000 is a 2nd generation, fully electric 6 degrees of freedom motion system, designed for use in FAA, EASA level B, C and D and ICAO 9625 type VII flight simulation systems.

The eMove eM6-720-4000 is a six degrees of freedom, fully electric motion system with an actuator stroke of 720mm, designed for use in simulation systems.

Electric, 3-DOF (surge, sway and heave) vibration system for applications such as cockpit shakers for full flight helicopter simulators and high frequency, multi-axial test applications.

Extremely compact six degrees of freedom electric motion system with rotary actuators, designed for use in mobile simulation systems or facilities with a low ceiling.

Compact, three degrees of freedom (pitch, roll, heave) electric motion system with rotary actuators, designed for use in simulation systems with low payload that do not necessarily require six degrees of freedom.

Compact, six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 200mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are ground vehicle simulators for cars, trucks, buses, military vehicles, railway vehicles, mining equipment, etc..

Compact, six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 300mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are ground vehicle simulators for cars, trucks, buses, military vehicles, railway vehicles, mining equipment, etc..

Compact, six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 400mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are ground vehicle simulators for cars, trucks, buses, military vehicles, railway vehicles, mining equipment, etc..

Robust six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 300mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are ground vehicle simulators, component testing, entertainment systems, etc..
Versatile six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 640mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are (commercial, rail, military) vehicle simulators, entertainment rides, etc..
Versatile six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 640mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are (commercial, rail, military) vehicle simulators, entertainment rides, etc..
Versatile six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 640mm stroke actuators. Typical applications are (commercial, rail, military) vehicle simulators, entertainment rides, etc..
Versatile six degrees of freedom electric motion system with 640mm stroke actuators and pneumatic weight compensation.

The eM6-388-12000-CCT is an electric, 6 DOF motion system designed for use in cabin emergency evacuation trainers for regional and business jets with a low sill height.

The eMove eM6-900-20000-CCT is a high payload electric motion system with an integrated upper frame to support a variety of single aisle cabin crew trainers.

The eM6-1250-40000-CCT is an electric, 6 DOF motion system designed for wide-body aircraft cabin crew trainers like the A350 or B787.

The eMove eM3-300-3000 is a three degrees of freedom electric motion system specifically designed for railway simulators in facilities with a low ceiling.

The eMove eM5-300-3000 is a five degrees of freedom electric motion system specifically designed for railway simulators in facilities with a low ceiling.

The eM6-1000-1500 is a fully electric 6 degrees of freedom motion system with inline motors, specifically designed for use in dynamic applictions

eForce control loading systems
E2M's eForce control loading systems provide high fidelity active force feedback on the controls of any simulator, from single channel systems for a driving simulator steering wheel, to 16-channel systems for the primary and secondary controls of a Boeing 737 full flight simulator.