New Fastcraft Motion System

When a standard eM6-640-1800 is just not good enough, E2M introduces the eM6-1000-1500 motion system. With 1.000mm effective stroke actuators, speeds up to 1.4 m/s on platform level and >1.5g accelerations, this system can realistically simulate typical training scenarios, without some of the drawbacks of training with the real vessel. No more weather dependence, sustained exposure to high accelerations (>5g) causing back and knee problems with the instructors and high operating costs make this a perfect business case!
The E2M eM6-1000-1500 is designed to be a modulair system. The motion system parameters can easily be optimized by implementing different motors, ball screws, electronic component, etc.. For E2M customers, this means you can now have a tailored motion system optimized for your application, without the need for a full bespoke motion system design from scratch.